Regripper, The Sleuth Kit, UnxUtils, F-Response(not open source but worth every penny) and Imdisk are just a few of the indispensable tools that I think you should be using if you're serious about forensics. This is not to say that you have to jump off the deep end and run everything from a linux box. I'm not afraid to admit that I like to use Windows on my laptops. I'm not even afraid to admit that I like Windows XP.
Here's what I don't like:
I don't like switching back and forth between machines to accomplish basic tasks, even if it's just popping open a VM and minimizing it again. Lame, hate it, I want to be able to do everything from one machine. Why? I guess I'm just lazy and stuff. I don't want to bring 4 laptops with me to work a case. But I do want to be able to solve it while I'm on site.
So here we go, If you want to crack off a timeline while those disks are imaging, I only know one way. F-repsonse and Perl scripts. F-response lets you deploy a tiny little client to each workstation, terminal, server or whatever it is you want to image, and suck all that data down to a single point. This is infinitely easier than attaching a hard drive to every machine in an environment, and it gets better.
The extra added bonus to F-response is that it offers up a live, read-only, environment to play with while that painfully slow image is running.
The extra added bonus to F-response is that it offers up a live, read-only, environment to play with while that painfully slow image is running.
It really is this easy:
Load up F-response listener
Deploy client to nearly any OS in existence
Push start
Run your favorite imaging client (I like FTK lite)
Image hard drives from a single point on the listener.
Here's the bonus. On the same machine that functions as the F-response listener, you have a mapped drive to the same physical disks that you are imaging. They show up as a regular mapped drive! E:, F:, G: all read-only and there for you to get your forensics on.
Want a sneak peak at your timeline? Bam!
fls -m 'C:\' -f ntfs \\.\: > bodyfile
Want to do a little password crack-a-lackin? Done! Use Ftk-Lite and extract that SAM hive.
Drop those hashes into Ophcrack and watch those default passwords appear before your very eyes.
This is not to say it's all a cakewalk. Thanks to Harlan there are some awesome perl scripts floating around the internet that will help you. Forcing these scripts to work on a Windows box can be a chore. Trust me, I just spent half my day proving it.
Case in point:
This is Harlan's superfly, TNT perl script that shreds all of the registry hives(including NTUSER.dat) and spits them out in standard bodyfile format. (go back a few months and see my post on super timelines for use)
The only 2 places I know of to get from are Harlan's email and the SIFT workstation. I didn't want to bug my mentor's mentor too much so I chose the SIFT download. 1.5 GB's later I had all the contents of /usr/local/src/windows-perl saved to my desktop.
Easy right? Install active-Perl from the website and go?
No biggie, I'm missing a perl dependency right? BONK!
There's something wrong with the script? BONK!
Something got screwed up when I copied it over from Linux? BONK!
My Perl environment is not the polished marble that Harlan's is? Well, maybe.... BONK!
WTH is going on here? Thought 1 turns out to be correct. This is a dependency issue. Even after you've been through your environment 10 times and all your dependencies look sweet, there's the file in the right path and you've contacted the developer because you've ruled out everything else. (sorry Harlan, I owe you expensive scotch when we finally meet). It's really very clear in all of it's perly non-clarity. It can't locate Parse/ and this is clearly a misplaced file in a directory path right? Not exactly.
Try this.
From the command line type "ppm" for the perl package manager, go to view and check "all packages". Glory, Glory, Hallelujah. There's a package called Parse-Win32Registry. Right click and install that bad boy.
There's something wrong with the script? BONK!
Something got screwed up when I copied it over from Linux? BONK!
My Perl environment is not the polished marble that Harlan's is? Well, maybe.... BONK!
WTH is going on here? Thought 1 turns out to be correct. This is a dependency issue. Even after you've been through your environment 10 times and all your dependencies look sweet, there's the file in the right path and you've contacted the developer because you've ruled out everything else. (sorry Harlan, I owe you expensive scotch when we finally meet). It's really very clear in all of it's perly non-clarity. It can't locate Parse/ and this is clearly a misplaced file in a directory path right? Not exactly.
Try this.
From the command line type "ppm" for the perl package manager, go to view and check "all packages". Glory, Glory, Hallelujah. There's a package called Parse-Win32Registry. Right click and install that bad boy.
Now when you try that mystical command it coughs up a perfect bodyfile.
Coders are a bubble off; I'm telling you.
Next trick: Path variables.
The command "dir" sucks, "ls" does not
ls, grep, cat, and a whole host of others are available in the unxutils package. Go downlaod it and install it and while you're on the web grab strings and grep.
Once you've got all these ported apps installed you don't want to cd into a specific directory to use them right? You want to be able to use the command like you're the one in control.
Editing your $PATH is the answer.
Right click my computer and go to properties--go to "advanced"--"environment variables"
Highlight "PATH" and click edit. Use a semicolon as a separator and add the full system path to your sexy new executables.
Pretty soon your path can look like mine:
C:\Python26\Scripts;C:\Python26\;C:\Perl\site\bin;C:\Perl\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Tools\sleuthkit-win32-3.1.3\sleuthkit-win32-3.1.3\bin;C:\Tools\UnxUtils\usr\local\wbin;C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin;C:\Tools\sleuthkit-win32-3.1.3\sleuthkit-win32-3.1.3\bin
And my $PATH is dead sexy.
Coders are a bubble off; I'm telling you.
Next trick: Path variables.
The command "dir" sucks, "ls" does not
ls, grep, cat, and a whole host of others are available in the unxutils package. Go downlaod it and install it and while you're on the web grab strings and grep.
Once you've got all these ported apps installed you don't want to cd into a specific directory to use them right? You want to be able to use the command like you're the one in control.
Editing your $PATH is the answer.
Right click my computer and go to properties--go to "advanced"--"environment variables"
Highlight "PATH" and click edit. Use a semicolon as a separator and add the full system path to your sexy new executables.
Pretty soon your path can look like mine:
C:\Python26\Scripts;C:\Python26\;C:\Perl\site\bin;C:\Perl\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Tools\sleuthkit-win32-3.1.3\sleuthkit-win32-3.1.3\bin;C:\Tools\UnxUtils\usr\local\wbin;C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin;C:\Tools\sleuthkit-win32-3.1.3\sleuthkit-win32-3.1.3\bin
And my $PATH is dead sexy.